How Tarot Card Reading Benefits Your Love?

Love is a powerful force that has captivated humans for centuries. It can bring joy, fulfilment, and sometimes even challenges. Tarot card reading for love can provide insights into your love life, helping you navigate its twists and turns with clarity and understanding. In this guide, we'll explore a basic tarot card reading for love, offering you a glimpse into the mystical world of the cards.

Use this basic love tarot card reading as a starting point for understanding your romantic journey. If you're facing challenges, consider seeking advice from a professional tarot reader or a relationship counsellor. Ultimately, it is something that you can nurture and cultivate as you move forward on your unique path.

The Deck and Its Significance

In a standard tarot deck, there are 78 cards that are categorized into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. When conducting a love reading, our main emphasis is on the Major Arcana cards. This is because these cards delve into the more profound and meaningful aspects of your romantic journey.

The Spread

To begin your love tarot reading, you'll need to choose a spread. One of the simplest and most effective spreads for love readings is the three-card spread.

Card 1: The Past - The Lovers

The first card represents your past in the realm of love. In this case, we have "The Lovers." This card symbolizes choices and the union of opposites. It suggests a valuable romantic connection in your past that may have had a lasting impact on your love life. It could indicate a past relationship or a choice you made that influenced your current situation.

If The Lovers card appears upright, it signifies a harmonious past relationship or a positive choice. If reversed, it might suggest a past relationship that was challenging or a choice that led to difficulties.

Card 2: The Present - The Two of Cups

The second card reveals your current love life situation, represented by "The Two of Cups." This card signifies a deep emotional connection, mutual attraction, and the ability for a loving partnership. It recommends that you are currently in a space where love is in the air, and a new romantic opportunity or a deepening of an existing relationship is on the horizon.

If The Two of Cups appears upright, it's a positive sign of love blossoming. If reversed, it might indicate some obstacles or challenges in your current relationship or your struggle to find love.

Card 3: The Future - The Wheel of Fortune

The third and final card represents your love life's future, depicted by "The Wheel of Fortune." This card signifies the ever-changing nature of love. It says that it is a constant cycle of ups and downs, and your romantic path is subject to fate and destiny. It can also indicate a turning point or a stroke of good luck in your love life's near future.

If The Wheel of Fortune appears upright, it's a sign of positive changes and good fortune in your love life. If reversed, it may indicate delays or unexpected challenges.

Interpreting the Reading

Now that we've revealed the three cards in your love online tarot reading, it's essential to consider their meanings in context:

If all three cards are upright, it suggests a harmonious and fulfilling love life journey. It indicates that your past experiences have led you to a loving and mutually fulfilling present, with a promising future.

If one or two cards are reversed, it implies challenges or obstacles in your love life. Reflect on the specific cards and their positions to understand what areas need attention or healing.

If all three cards are reversed, it may indicate a period of difficulties or stagnation in your love life. Don't worry; tarot readings are not set in stone. They offer guidance and insight, but you have the power to make choices and change your path.


It is a complex and beautiful journey, and tarot card readings can provide valuable insights into your romantic life. It is important to note that tarot readings are a tool for self-reflection and guidance, not a guaranteed prediction of the future. Your choices and actions play a significant role in shaping your love life.

All the reading and healing sessions are consulted by Shivangi herself and she gives her 100% in delivering best services to people if you have a problem she has a solution which she tells using her tarot cards, call her to book a session.